Manually Controlling
We’ve found that pynput is a good library for sending keyboard commands to the agents for manual control.
Here’s an example of controlling the HoveringAUV using the following keyboard shortcuts.
Key |
Forward Key |
Backward Key |
Up/Down |
i |
k |
Yaw Left/Right |
j |
l |
Forward/Backward |
w |
s |
Strafe Left/Right |
a |
d |
import holoocean
import numpy as np
from pynput import keyboard
pressed_keys = list()
force = 25
def on_press(key):
global pressed_keys
if hasattr(key, 'char'):
pressed_keys = list(set(pressed_keys))
def on_release(key):
global pressed_keys
if hasattr(key, 'char'):
listener = keyboard.Listener(
def parse_keys(keys, val):
command = np.zeros(8)
if 'i' in keys:
command[0:4] += val
if 'k' in keys:
command[0:4] -= val
if 'j' in keys:
command[[4,7]] += val
command[[5,6]] -= val
if 'l' in keys:
command[[4,7]] -= val
command[[5,6]] += val
if 'w' in keys:
command[4:8] += val
if 's' in keys:
command[4:8] -= val
if 'a' in keys:
command[[4,6]] += val
command[[5,7]] -= val
if 'd' in keys:
command[[4,6]] -= val
command[[5,7]] += val
return command
with holoocean.make("Dam-Hovering") as env:
while True:
if 'q' in pressed_keys:
command = parse_keys(pressed_keys, force)
#send to holoocean
env.act("auv0", command)
state = env.tick()