This scenario starts with a TorpedoAUV near a submarine. This is identical to the base version, only with a sonar mounted. Octree leaf size is 2cm. Unless otherwise specified, all sensors are named the same as their class name, ie IMUSensor is named “IMUSensor”.
: Main TorpedoAUV agentIMUSensor
configured with noise, bias, and returns bias.GPSSensor
gets measurements with N(1, 0.25) of the surface, actual measurement also has noise.DVLSensor
configured with an elevation of 22.5 degrees, noise, and returns 4 range measurements.SidescanSonar
configured with an azimuth of 170 degrees, 2000 range bins, range from 0.5 to 40 meters, and noise.PoseSensor
for ground truth.VelocitySensor
for ground truth.