
This scenario starts with a TorpedoAUV near a submarine. This is identical to the base version, only with a sonar mounted. Octree leaf size is 2cm. Unless otherwise specified, all sensors are named the same as their class name, ie IMUSensor is named “IMUSensor”.

  • auv0: Main TorpedoAUV agent
    • IMUSensor configured with noise, bias, and returns bias.

    • GPSSensor gets measurements with N(1, 0.25) of the surface, actual measurement also has noise.

    • DVLSensor configured with an elevation of 22.5 degrees, noise, and returns 4 range measurements.

    • SidescanSonar configured with an azimuth of 170 degrees, 2000 range bins, range from 0.5 to 40 meters, and noise.

    • PoseSensor for ground truth.

    • VelocitySensor for ground truth.
