Getting Started
While unreal development is possible on Linux, I’ve found working on Windows to be much more straightforward and stable. Regardless of which one you use, you’ll need the following dependencies:
Visual Studio 2022 or 2019 – See UE documentation for setup
Some sort of python installation (conda is my preferred)
For running holoocean live, you’ll need to setup both the C++ and python portions of HoloOcean, which are now conveniently in the same repo.
Clone holoocean.
Navigate into that directory.
Checkout to the branch you want to develop on, likely the develop branch, which you can access through
git checkout develop
Alternatively create your own new branch for the feature or addition through
git checkout -b [your branch name] [the branch you want to branch off of]
You can now install the python package by running pip install -e client/
Opening & Prepping Project
Inside of your cloned repo in the engine directory, there is a holodeck.uproject file. Double click it, and choose “5.3” if an engine version dialog opens up, click “yes” to any dialog that says “Would you like to rebuild them now?”, and then unreal should pop open!
There’s many ways to develop in unreal, but we’re going to focus on how I’ve found is the easiest way to development code.
In the Unreal Editor, go to Platforms -> Windows -> Cook Content. After a few minutes you should get a success popup in the lower right.
Setting up VSCode
I’m not a fan of the Visual Studio IDE, and instead prefer to use VSCode. If VSCode is installed and you want to do this as well, do the following:
In Unreal Editor, Go to Edit -> Editor Preferences
Then go to General -> Source Code -> Source Code Editor and select Visual Studio Code
Once this is done you should now be able to generate a new Visual Studio Code project using File -> Generate Visual Studio Code Project
To open up Visual Studio Code go to File -> Open Visual Studio Code
Generally you can compile by clicking the “Compile” button in Unreal Editor. Do this anytime you make changes to your C++ code. There’s also a way to compile in Visual Studio if you wish.
The compile button in the Unreal Editor is at the bottom right of the screen. It might be hidden if your screen isn’t wide enough.
Launching Game Live
To avoid having to package the project anytime you want to see changes to your code, you can play the game live from Unreal Editor and then attached your python code to it. This is a multi-step process, as follows.
If developing a sonar module, in UE5 click the 3 dots next to the “Play” button in the top toolbar, and click “Advanced Settings”. Add the following line to “Additional Launch Parameters” .. image:: images/standalone-game.png .. code:
-EnvMinX=-1000 -EnvMinY=-1000 -EnvMinZ=-1000 -EnvMaxX=1000 -EnvMaxY=1000 -EnvMinZ=1000 -OctreeMin=0.02 OctreeMax=5
These are all in meters. Tweak them as you need, they’re all pretty self-explanatory.
If you using the dynamics sensor, or expect certain tick per second rate, make sure to set -TicksPerSec=<val> as one of these arguments, so you get the simulation rate and behavior you expect.. The -FramesPerSec=<val> command controls how fast it runs on your computer. See In addition, the -log parameter is useful for being able to close the game window easily, as well as for seeing log messages for debugging purposes.
Open and prep a python script similar to the following
import holoocean
config = {
"name": "test",
"world": "ExampleLevel",
"main_agent": "auv0",
"agents": [
"agent_name": "auv0",
"agent_type": "HoveringAUV",
"sensors": [
"sensor_type": "LocationSensor",
"control_scheme": 1,
"location": [0, 0, 1]
command = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
with holoocean.make(scenario_cfg=config, start_world=False) as env:
for _ in range(1000):
state, reward = env.step(command)
Tweak it to put the sensors/agents you need in as you see fit.
Have some way to run this python file open and ready
Back in Unreal Editor, click the arrow next to the “Play” button in the top toolbar, and select “Standalone Game”. A seperate window should pop open with the unreal game.
Once this window pops open, run your python script. It will attach to the new open unreal game window and proceed as a normal holoocean simulation. Note you may have to try to run your script a couple of times, the unreal game window takes a second to load.
That’s it! There’s a few weird quirks to keep an eye out for here as well. If you close the unreal game window before exiting the python script, your terminal will freeze and you’ll have to open a new one. I have a small .bat script that runs the python file that I have pinned to my taskbar to get around this. Alternatively, VSCode’s play button works rather smoothly as well for quickly opening/closing terminals with the correct conda environment.
While definitely not the best way to do things, I generally use the unreal equivalent of print statements to debug my code. [ Here’s a good tutorial on sending things to the unreal log.]
This log will be saved in holoocean-engine/Saved/Logs if you want to see it later, or, I prefer this way. In Unreal Editor,
Go to Window -> Output Log
See for more information on logging in Unreal Engine.
Easy Peasy!
See Developing Agents, Developing Sensors, and Developing Environments for information on developting custom sensors/agents/env and how to get started on those.
For developing a custom sonar, see the HolodeckSonarSensor.h
and HolodeckSonarSensor.cpp
files for the required superclass, and ImagingSonarSensor.h
and ImagingSonarSensor.cpp
for examples on how to use them.