Manually Defining Dynamics
It may be useful for research to implement custom dynamics for a vehicle. For this purpose, most vehicles have an option in their control schemes for “Custom Dynamics” that take in linear and angular acceleration and integrate them to generate motion. Besides collisions, no other accelerations are applied to the vehicle in the simulator, allowing full custom dynamics to be implemented in python. The possibilities for this include complex hydrodynamics, water currents, and more.
In addition, the DynamicsSensor
was made to provide all necessary current state information for computing dynamics including, accelerations, velocities, and current pose information.
Custom dynamics can be defined manually, as shown in the example below. For torpedo vehicles, we have implemented Fossen’s dynamic models (see Fossen-Based Dynamics). Other models developed by Thor Fossen could be implemented using this framework.
Here is an example of manually defining a vehicle’s dynamics where we implementing gravity, buoyancy, and damping by hand.
import numpy as np
import holoocean
from holoocean.agents import HoveringAUV
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation
scenario = {
"name": "hovering_dynamics",
"package_name": "Ocean",
"world": "SimpleUnderwater",
"main_agent": "auv0",
"agents": [
"agent_name": "auv0",
"agent_type": "HoveringAUV",
"sensors": [
"sensor_type": "DynamicsSensor",
"UseRPY": False # Use quaternion
"control_scheme": 1, # this is the custom dynamics control scheme
"location": [0,0,-10],
"rotation": [20,20,90]
g = 9.81 # gravity
b = 3 # linear damping
c = 2 # angular damping
# HoveringAUV.mass += 1 # alternatively make it sink
def f(x):
# Extract all info from state
a = x[:3]
v = x[3:6]
p = x[6:9]
alpha = x[9:12]
omega = x[12:15]
quat = x[15:19]
R = Rotation.from_quat(quat).as_matrix()
# Sum all forces
force = np.zeros(3)
force[2] += -HoveringAUV.mass * g # gravity
force[2] += HoveringAUV.water_density * g * HoveringAUV.volume # buoyancy
force -= v*b # Damping
# Sum all torques
torque = np.zeros(3)
buoy_force = HoveringAUV.water_density*g*HoveringAUV.volume*np.array([0,0,1]) # in global frame
cob = R@HoveringAUV.cob # move center of buoyancy to global frame
torque += np.cross(cob, buoy_force) # torque from buoyancy
torque -= omega*c # damping
# Convert force & torque to accelerations
lin_accel = force / HoveringAUV.mass
ang_accel = np.linalg.inv(HoveringAUV.I)@torque
return np.append(lin_accel, ang_accel)
accels = np.zeros(6)
# Make environment
with holoocean.make(scenario_cfg=scenario) as env:
for i in range(500):
# Step simulation
state = env.step(accels)
# Get accelerations to pass to HoloOcean
accels = f(state["DynamicsSensor"])