Welcome to HoloOcean's documentation! ============================================== .. image:: images/inspect_plane.jpg HoloOcean is a high-fidelity simulator develped by the `Field Robotic Systems Lab (FRoStLab) `_ at `Brigham Young University `_ . Built upon Unreal Engine (by Epic Games) and Holodeck (developed by the BYU PCCL Lab), HoloOcean enables easy simulation of marine robotics and autonomy with a wide variety of sensors, agents, and features. Features """""""" #. 3+ rich worlds with various infrastructure for generating data or testing underwater algorithms #. Complete with common underwater sensors including DVL, IMU, optical camera, various sonar, depth sensor, and more #. Highly and easily configurable sensors and missions #. Multi-agent missions, including optical and acoustic communications #. Novel sonar simulation framework for simulating imaging, profiling, sidescan, and echosounder sonars #. Imaging sonar implementation includes realistic noise modeling for small sim-2-real gap #. Easy installation and simple, OpenAI Gym-like Python interface #. High performance - simulation speeds of up to 2x real time are possible. Performance penalty only for what you need #. Run headless or watch your agents learn #. Linux and Windows support Attribution and Relevent Publications """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" If you use HoloOcean in your research, please cite the following publications depending on the features you use as outlined below: General HoloOcean use: :: @inproceedings{Potokar22icra, author = {E. Potokar and S. Ashford and M. Kaess and J. Mangelson}, title = {Holo{O}cean: An Underwater Robotics Simulator}, booktitle = {Proc. IEEE Intl. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, ICRA}, address = {Philadelphia, PA, USA}, month = may, year = {2022} } Simulation of Sonar (Imaging, Profiling, Sidescan) sensors: :: @inproceedings{Potokar22iros, author = {E. Potokar and K. Lay and K. Norman and D. Benham and T. Neilsen and M. Kaess and J. Mangelson}, title = {Holo{O}cean: Realistic Sonar Simulation}, booktitle = {Proc. IEEE/RSJ Intl. Conf. Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS}, address = {Kyoto, Japan}, month = {Oct}, year = {2022} } .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: HoloOcean Documentation usage/installation usage/getting-started usage/usage packages/packages agents/agents develop/develop changelog/changelog .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 :caption: API Documentation holoocean/index holoocean/agents holoocean/environments holoocean/spaces holoocean/commands holoocean/holooceanclient holoocean/packagemanager holoocean/sensors holoocean/lcm holoocean/shmem holoocean/util holoocean/exceptions holoocean/weather Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`