Changelog ========= .. Changelog Style Guide - Each release should have a New Features / Changes / Bug Fixes section. - Keep the first sentence of each point short and descriptive - The passive voice should be avoided - Try to make the first word a verb in past tense. Bug fixes should use "Fixed" - Add a link to the issue describing the change or the pull request that merged it at the end in parentheses - see HoloOcean 1.0.0 ---------------- *4/29/2024* Migrating to GitHub, and updating license phrasing. HoloOcean 0.5.8 --------------- *4/3/2/2024* Added custom dynamics and updated installation instructions to reflect current installation process to comply with Unreal Engine EULA. (Note that the version numbers 0.5.1-0.5.7 are absent because of some difficulties with updating the PyPI package. So 0.5.8 is the first release after 0.5.0) Highlights ~~~~~~~~~~ - Added magnetometer - Added dynamics sensor - Simple PD controller for HoveringAUV - Added SurfaceVessel agent - misc bug fixes and documentation improvements HoloOcean 0.5.0 ---------------- *3/22/2022* Large sonar upgrade! Highlights ~~~~~~~~~~ - 3 new sonar sensors - Upgraded noise modeling in Imaging and Profiling Sonar - Lots of misc bug fixes! - Upgrade to Unreal Engine 4.27 New Features ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Added many new sonar sensors, including - :class:`~holoocean.sensors.ImagingSonar` - :class:`~holoocean.sensors.SidescanSonar` - :class:`~holoocean.sensors.ProfilingSonar` - :class:`~holoocean.sensors.SinglebeamSonar` - ImagingSonar now has significantly improved noise modeling - Can now specify a lifetime parameter to draw functions - Now based on Unreal Engine 4.27 Changes ~~~~~~~ - SonarSensor is now ImagingSonar - Rotations are now a correct [roll, pitch, yaw]. - step function no longer returns terminal, reward and info. Only state. - Environments no longer publish over lcm in pre-start ticks. Bug Fixes ~~~~~~~~~ - Timeouts are turned off for sonars to prevent premature termination of the simulation. - Specifying a number of ticks to execute at once now ticks for all of them. HoloOcean 0.4.1 ---------------- *9/21/2021* Bug Fixes ~~~~~~~~~ - Required pywin32 <= 228 for easier Windows install. HoloOcean 0.4.0 ---------------- *9/17/2021* First official release! Highlights ~~~~~~~~~~ - New Ocean environment package. - 2 new agents and 7 new sensors, along with updating of all previous sensors. - Complete rebranding to HoloOcean. New Features ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Added agents :class:`~holoocean.agents.HoveringAUV` and :class:`~holoocean.agents.TorpedoAUV` - Added a plethora of new sensors, all with optional noise configurations - :class:`~holoocean.sensors.ImagingSonar` - :class:`~holoocean.sensors.DVLSensor` - :class:`~holoocean.sensors.DepthSensor` - :class:`~holoocean.sensors.GPSSensor` - :class:`~holoocean.sensors.PoseSensor` - :class:`~holoocean.sensors.AcousticBeaconSensor` - :class:`~holoocean.sensors.OpticalModemSensor` - New :ref:`Ocean ` package. - Added frame rate capping option. - Added ticks_per_sec and frames_per_sec to scenario config, see :ref:`configure-framerate`. Changes ~~~~~~~ - Everything is now rebranded from Holodeck -> HoloOcean. Bug Fixes ~~~~~~~~~ - Sensors now return values from their location, not the agent location. - IMU now returns angular velocity instead of linear velocity. - Various integer -> float changes in scenario loading. Pre-HoloOcean -------------- See `Holodeck changelog `_